Our pastor has a heart for mentoring men to become spiritual leaders at home and in the community, as well as at church. Our men are continually developed to become preachers and teachers in our Sunday school, children’s church, and in our Wednesday evening services. Men’s meetings and breakfasts are periodically scheduled for fellowship and discussion of the Bible, a practical Christian walk, and church business decisions.

Our pastor’s wife deeply desires to inspire wives to become helpers “meet” for their husbands and encouraging ladies to pursue and enjoy a precious, intimate relationship with God. One Saturday per month, our ladies meet for a Bible study breakfast fellowship. Different activities such as ladies conference, retreat, tea, etc. are also scheduled throughout the year.

Children’s Classes & Church,
ages 3-11
Sunday school classes, 9:30am
Children’s church, 10:30am
There is a nursery provided at each service for infants to age 2 (up until the September closest to the child’s third birthday): Sunday, 9:30am, 10:30am, 6pm; Wednesday, 7pm.
Wednesday, 7pm
Our children’s choir sings at different times throughout the year, including special programs.