A warm atmosphere of imperfect people with hearts seeking after our perfect Father God.
Welcome to our family! We want you to feel at home here.
Our desire is to help you on your journey in your relationship with God.
Victory Without Trying
Salvation is recognizing our hopelessness and worthlessness; recognizing that, if we are to be saved, it has got to be done for us by GOD.

Girl Talk
Who: Teen Girls, ages 12-18
Where: CornerStone conference room
When: Sundays, 9:30am
What: Practical Christian teen life according to the Bible
Teacher: Mrs. Dayna Guenther
CornerStones of the Faith
Sundays at 9:30am in the sanctuary
Taught by Pastor Guenther
Practical Christian life principles for your everyday life

Our Pastor
Pastor Peter Guenther, Litt. D., was saved at age fourteen, but as a young man, ran from God for several years. He came back to the Lord due to the ministry and personal friendship of Pastor Bill Wall, a missionary in Mexico.
In the late 1990s, Pastor Guenther sensed God’s call to start a church in Woodstock. He later discovered that, during that same time period, several ladies were praying that God would send a preacher to Woodstock. After he answered God’s call, CornerStone Baptist Church was founded in June 2000.
Pastor Guenther is married to Dayna. They have three adult children and two grandchildren.
Contact Pastor Guenther at 519.537.0125 or email him here.
Read Pastor Guenther’s blog here.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you!
Our mailing address is 34 Graham Street, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 6J6.
You may call: 519.537.0125.
You may email info@cornerstone-baptist.ca for more info, or use the form below.
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